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What are Self-Litigating Braces?

by | Sep 13, 2018 | Braces, oral hygiene, Technology

At White, Greer and Maggard Orthodontics, we use a wide range of techniques to treat our patients across Kentucky. As conventional metal braces have improved over time, they have become more efficient, smaller, more attractive than ever before. However, these braces still have their shortcomings. Metal braces are highly visible, they make cleaning the teeth challenging, and there is still some discomfort associated with wearing them.

One of the most popular alternatives are self-litigating braces. Below is some information to help you decide if you would like to choose these appliances over traditional braces.

About Self-Litigating Braces

Conventional braces feature three main components to apply the needed pressure to teeth: the bracket, the arch wire and the ties. Self-litigating braces instead eliminate the need for elastic bands all together and instead use a built-in movable component to entrap the wire. With no elastic wires present, there is reduced frictional resistance which allows the teeth to move more freely and with less force. This results in more efficient tooth movement and more comfort.

Potential Advantages of Self-Litigating Braces

  • More Comfortable – less pressure is exerted on the teeth making them more comfortable than traditional braces.
  • Shorter Treatment Time – the teeth move freely, which gets you to your new smile faster!
  • Smaller and Less Noticeable – the brackets are smaller making them less noticeable and more attractive.
  • Easier to Clean for Better Oral Health – there are no bands hindering cleaning which makes it easier to maintain good oral health.

Potential Downsides of Self-Litigating Braces

  • Higher Cost – more expensive than traditional braces.
  • Still Visible – even though they are smaller than traditional braces, they are still visible.
  • Adjustment Period – there is still a period of adjustment when they are first put on by the orthodontist.

Questions? Contact Us at WGM Orthodontics!

No matter which type of braces you prefer, the team at White, Greer and Maggard will make sure the you have the right type of braces for you! We will make sure to meet your orthodontic needs and personal preferences. Feel free to contact us at any of our Kentucky orthodontic locations about any questions you may have about the treatment options available to you!

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