Did you know that over 4 million Americans wear braces? Among these people, around 25% are adults. Everyone wants to have nice teeth.

A lovely smile and straight teeth can be signs of intelligence, health, and success. Having an attractive smile can also boost your confidence and even improve relationships. But millions of people have trouble with their teeth.

It’s emotionally challenging when our teeth aren’t as perfect as we’d like them to be. But nobody is perfect, and there are ways to help yourself. Getting braces is a common solution for correcting misaligned teeth. So what is the best age to get braces? The answer is not as clear as you may think.

Today, we’ll discuss the right time for you or your children to get braces. Keep reading to learn whether braces are right for you.

How Do Braces Work?

Braces are a popular method for correcting the alignment of your teeth. They’ll help you straighten crooked teeth so you can smile with confidence. Braces create a uniform pressure on your teeth, stimulating them to straighten slowly over time.

The application of braces is not permanent. Your orthodontist will install your braces for a set period. The time it takes to realign teeth can range from one year to three years. It will be up to your orthodontist to decide how long you’ll wear braces.

Different Types of Braces

It’s good to know what options you have before deciding which types of braces you’ll need. Your orthodontist may recommend any of these types of braces for your teeth.

Everyone is different, so the type you require depends on your unique situation.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are the kind of braces you’ve seen on TV most of your life. They’re mainly made from metal brackets or bands that connect to each tooth. The brackets are held together by wires extending across the upper and lower rows of your teeth.

Bracket ligature bands then hold the wires to the brackets. These small rubber bands form the pressure needed to begin straightening your teeth.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces serve the same function as traditional braces but use different materials. As a result, they come with added benefits compared to traditional braces.

Ceramic braces are more discreet than traditional braces. The color of the brackets, wires, and bands blends with the color of your teeth. They’re also less abrasive than traditional braces. Irritation from abrasion is one of the most common concerns with traditional braces.

While more expensive, ceramic braces are great for people with sensitive teeth. They also help you conceal the fact that you’re wearing braces.

Damon Braces

Damon braces are also comparable to traditional braces. They use the same system of brackets and wires but do not use ligature bands. Instead, Damon braces use an elastic-free system that increases comfort.

They are self-litigating, meaning they can adjust teeth without needing frequent trips to the orthodontist.

Damon braces can also increase teeth alignment speed and make brushing easier. They’re a great solution for busy individuals or people with sensitive mouths.


Invisalign braces are the most discreet option available for aligning your teeth. This system uses no metal pieces, meaning you won’t have to deal with brackets, wires, and bands.

Invisalign features clear; customized aligners made just for your mouth. They’re removable, which increases convenience. You’ll need to take them out when you eat or brush your teeth.

But overall, Invisalign works just as well as other braces, if not better. Plus, nobody will know you’re wearing braces.

Getting Braces: When Is the Best Age?

There is no set age when to get braces. Although it may be easier to get them when you’re younger.

However, modern technology has permitted most age groups to benefit from braces. And when you get braces depends on the factors discussed below.

Children and Early Teens

Orthodontic treatments are usually reserved for people who have grown adult teeth. By 21, most people have all 32 permanent teeth. But children and early teenagers can still benefit from orthodontics.

Children’s primary teeth develop around the age of three. And by age seven, these teeth begin to fall out, making way for permanent teeth. Some children can benefit from braces after their permanent teeth begin to form.

Braces for children can help adjust the position of their adult teeth and aid in future development. They can help keep children’s adult teeth on the right track as they continue to develop. In addition, braces can also help correct child malocclusions affecting the jaw.

Teenagers and Young Adults

This age group refers to people in the 14 to 20-year bracket. It’s the most common period that individuals get braces.

There’s a good amount of adult teeth to work with at this age, and many will have most of them developed by this point. Teens and young adults in this age group still have malleable jaws, making it easier to realign teeth.

This is also a good age to get braces because most kids are responsible enough to look after them. They require some care, so this is something to consider if you have younger children.

Older teens and young adults are old enough to care for their braces, ensuring your investment doesn’t go to waste.

Mature Adults

While it’s often a better idea to get braces when you’re young, there’s no reason you can’t get them as an adult. Many adults choose to get braces later on in life.

Your family may have had a tight financial budget growing up. Or medical issues may develop over time. Regardless, your orthodontist can still recommend you get braces as an adult.

Like teenagers and children, adults can suffer from malocclusions. Teeth and jaws that aren’t properly aligned can carry over into adulthood. Or injuries from accidents occur, which may need orthodontic care to correct. Braces for adults are still a viable option to correct various problems.

Contact Us to Get Started

You or your child can get braces at a variety of ages. And you don’t have to be a teenager to benefit from orthodontic care. Getting braces can help fix child, teen, and adult teeth. As long as you have healthy teeth and gums, braces can help!

If you think braces are right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At White, Greer, and Maggard Orthodontics in Louisville, KY, you’ll receive elite care. A great smile is a wonderful joy, and it’s what we do best. So contact us today and get the smile you’ve always dreamed of!